November 16, 2007

Christmas Is Under Wraps, But What About Your Identity?

The holidays are coming and that of course means presents and wrapping. Unfortunately that also means your ID - your informational you - will also be hanging out there to be wrapped up as well.

Why should this concern us? Well, it concerns me because I recently learned about the Fair-Credit Billing Act which makes us responsible (after 60 days) for any identity theft debt that is incurred in our name. That means we have to pay for something that we DID NOT do!!

So how do we protect ourselves from this? It' simple. The solution is to get some sort of ID Theft Protection. Now there are riders that you can add to your homeowners insurance policy as well extra fee services to add to your credit card accounts. That may be part of the solution but it is not the "Best Answer."

"The Best Answer" involves:
1. a Life Events Legal Plan,
2. Monitoring Services, and
3. Restoration Services.

This protects you from all six types of ID Theft no matter where, when or how and before, during and after. It is the most comprehensive protection services available. What is it?
It is, ID Theft Shield with a Life Events Legal Plan.

For more specific information on this, check out my web page.

Be safe. Be happy! Have a great holiday and "juice" to y'all.

October 30, 2007

Where There's A Will - There's A Way

Hello world, yes, it's me. Robin! I'm back one more time and this time I heard something intereting that I want to share with you!

I didn't realize that 80% of Americans do not have a Living Will. Wow!! Can you imagine that?? I know I can't. Also, I can't imagine leaving this world and leaving my loved ones without any protection.

Believe me I know - I have been there. My first husband died suddenly from a massive heart attack at 40 and in one moment I was alone. I thank God that we had a will made for us, ahead of time. Having that will saved me a lot of grief, during my grief.

Since then, I have found out that when children are involved the State actually gets to determine what family gets them. I can't believe, or maybe I can, that some family members only want to take care of the children because of the insurance money and/or the money in the estate.

My good friend and colleague, David L. Holzer (the Master of Shugo - aka Protection) always says, "you've got do it before you need it!" That means plan it while you can. Don't wait for Life to come at you. Get up and face it head on. If you have a spouse and/or a family, it is your social responsibility to take care of them, nurture them, and PROTECT them.

Take care, God bless , and "juice" to y'all.

October 22, 2007


Whoa! Stop the presses! I can't stop telling my clients and prospects about this. Please, if you have any questions about Prepaid Legal, and want the striaght scoop on it, check this out.

WHEN: Saturday 10-27-2007

WHERE: Your couch, your TV, your coffee (on Court TV)

TIME: 11:00am Eastern
10:00am Central
9:00am Mountain
11:00am Pacific*

* For the Pacific time zone: if Court TV is shown via a cable provider, the time is 11am. If you view Court TV via satellite service, the time is 8am.

Get Ready World, Here I Am!!

Have you ever wondered what you would do if you ID was stolen? Who would you call? What would you say? Where would you go? How would you fix it?

It takes an ID theft victim, on average, $1,200* or 600 hours or both to try and restore his/her good name.

My purpose is to educate and help people understand that there is a plan out there to help them and that I have THE SOLUTION.
*Federal Trade Commission