Why should this concern us? Well, it concerns me because I recently learned about the Fair-Credit Billing Act which makes us responsible (after 60 days) for any identity theft debt that is incurred in our name. That means we have to pay for something that we DID NOT do!!
So how do we protect ourselves from this? It' simple. The solution is to get some sort of ID Theft Protection. Now there are riders that you can add to your homeowners insurance policy as well extra fee services to add to your credit card accounts. That may be part of the solution but it is not the "Best Answer."
"The Best Answer" involves:
1. a Life Events Legal Plan,
2. Monitoring Services, and
3. Restoration Services.
This protects you from all six types of ID Theft no matter where, when or how and before, during and after. It is the most comprehensive protection services available. What is it?
It is, ID Theft Shield with a Life Events Legal Plan.
For more specific information on this, check out my web page.
Be safe. Be happy! Have a great holiday and "juice" to y'all.